With Teach Yourself Touch Typing it's like having your own
expert tutor but at a fraction of the cost of live tuition I. Whether
you're young or old, new to the keyboard or a seasoned two-
fingered typist, Teach Yourself Touch Typing can and will work
Do you sit at your keyboard for more than an hour each day? If so Teach Yourself Touch
Typing will make an
impact on your productivity, creativity and ability to communicate at all levels. The
ability to type at speed is a
skill that stays with you for life and in as little as 4 hours (probably 8 half-hour
sessions) you will be touch typing
on all the letters and common punctuation characters on a QWERTY keyboard. This carefully
course combined with the patience and attentiveness of the computer will make the most of
your precious
learning time. With Teach Yourself Touch Typing it's like having your own expert tutor but
at a fraction of the
cost of live tuition! Whether you're young or old, new to the keyboard or a seasoned
two-fingered typist, Teach
Yourself Touch Typing can and will work. All you have to do is to make time for regular
sessions until you
complete the course and then you'll have no need to keep looking at the keyboard! Using
it's in-built artificial
intelligence, if your typing falls below the target speed, Teach Yourself Touch Typing
will present you with some
speed building exercises instead of training exercises until your speed has improved and
habitual errors correctE
7 A totally interactive and proven training system guides
you through the art of touch-typing.
? Learn the correct finger locations on the QWERTY keyboard
with guidance and instruction at every stage.
? Includes over 40 built-in training modules and over 20
typing test and speed-building exercises.
? An interactive game helps to reinforce your memory of key
finger positions. |
 Price: £8.50 (+VAT)
Format: PC CDROM
Product Code: ESS174

The 'Teach Yourself...' series are an invaluable way to
whether you are a total beginner, novice or advanced user. Each
CD-ROM provides step by step, clear and concise instructions,
allowing you to master your chosen application at your own pace.
Each title gives a precise simulation of the specified application,
and provides reinforcement of, or an alternative to, instructor-led
training. Constructed in a modular format, this allows effective,
self-paced learning and allows users the ability to revise existing
knowledge or learn new materials. |