- 100000 Web Graphics
Bring your web pages to life with this fabulous collection of 100,000
Web Graphics. All you'll ever need to make a vital first impression! No
need to ever have a dull site again since this stunning package has the
ease of use and all the features to produce a professional looking home
page. This sensational jam packed CD, comes complete with buttons,
bullets, arrows, lines and icons and hundreds of royalty free clip art
images, for personal use. This is an ideal package for use in schools, the
home or for business. Whether you are a beginner to this fascinating area
of electronic communication or an advanced surfer you'll never find
customising your web site easier. Easy to follow steps take you through
stages such as selecting your graphic, the size, style and colour and
finally adding text on to your buttons.
What you can and cannot do with this CD-ROM
You may incorporate any images(s) into your own original work and publish,
display and distribute your work in any media. You may not, resell,
sublicense or otherwise make available the image's) for use or
distribution separately or detached from a product or web page. For
example, the image(s) may be used as part of a web page design, but may
not be made available for downloading separately or in a format designed
or intended for permanent storage or re-use by others.
Min. System
Windows 3.1x or win 95 or XP. 486DX2 66MHz processor or faster. 2MB free
hard disk space. 8MB RAM. 16 Bit SoundBlaster or 100% compatible soundcard
& dual speed CD-ROM drive. |
Price: £8.50 (+VAT)
Format: PC CDROM
Product Code: ESS176

- 100000 Web Graphics
This sensational jam
packed CD, comes complete with buttons, bullets, arrows, lines and icons
and hundreds of royalty free clip art images, for personal use. |