of the most comprehensive world atlases for school and
home use
Every household should have
this essential multimedia reference atlas with its
detailed mapping of the world. All the countries of the
globe can be explored and are illustrated with
explanatory text, facts and figures, beautiful
photographs, recordings of languages and pronunciations
and top quality video.
Your own Atlas
Control the features on the maps that you want to see by
selecting from the various layers of information, and
change their colours to produce your very own customised
atlas. Ideal for reports and presentations.
Where is Ouagadougou?
Pan and zoom around the 1:1,000,000 mapping system and
use the gazetteer to find over 150,000 places and
geographical features.
Facts and Figures
Every country of the world is summarised in facts and
figures, with its flag. Compare the statistics of two or
more countries.