100,000 WEB
This sensational jam packed CD, comes complete with
bullets, arrows, lines and icons and hundreds of royaltu free clip
art images, for personal use. This is an ideal apckage for use in
schools, the home or for business. Whether you are a beginner to
this fascinating area of electronic communication or an advanced
surfer you'll never find custom ising your web site easier.
Bring your web pages to life with this fabulous collection of 100,000 Web Graphics. All
you'll ever need to make
a vital first impression! No need to ever have a dull site again since this stunning
package has the ease of use
and all the features to produce a professional looking home page. This sensational jam
packed CD, comes
complete with buttons, bullets, arrows, lines and icons and hundreds of royaltu free clip
art images, for personal
use. This is an ideal apckage for use in schools, the home or for business. Whether you
are a beginner to this
fascinating area of electronic communication or an advanced surfer you'll never find
customising your web site
easier. Easy to follow steps take you through stages such as selecting your graphic, the
size, style and colour
and finally adding text on to your buttons. |
 Price: £8.50 (+VAT)
Format: PC CDROM
Product Code: ESS176

This sensational jam packed CD, comes complete with
bullets, arrows, lines and icons and hundreds of royaltu free clip
art images, for personal use. This is an ideal apckage for use in
schools, the home or for business. Whether you are a beginner to
this fascinating area of electronic communication or an advanced
surfer you'll never find custom ising your web site easier. |